Unfortunately, this week has continued to be a bit difficult for Chris. 

After leaving the hospital on Thursday, we thought Chris's confusion was a transient event likely caused by the meds he was taking.  Unfortunately, Chris experienced another round of confusion Thursday evening.  Since we did not have a clear diagnosis of the cause, Chris decided to message his physician about the episode.  His confusion lasted in some capacity the remainder of the evening, and even into the next morning.

On Friday afternoon, Dr. Shah called Chris regarding the message he had sent.  He was concerned that Chris may have lymphoma in his brain, as confusion is not a side effect of the Revlimid, and he did not believe it was the Oxy he was on.  Dr. Shah ordered a stat brain MRI for Chris on Friday evening.

Chris received the results of the MRI on Saturday afternoon, which showed a lesion half a centimeter in size on the dura surrounding Chris's brain, which was likely the true cause of his confusion.  While the lymphoma is not in Chris's brain, there is a chance that it could leak into his brain or his CSF.  As a result, Chris will be getting a lumbar puncture tomorrow (Monday) morning to check if there is lymphoma in his CSF, and hopefully (if it was able to be included on a stat order) administer a dose of intrathecal chemo into his spinal column. 

As of right now, Chris will have a lab draw on Tuesday as well as get his weekly dose of Rituxan.  Things still seem to be a bit up in the air as far as any additional treatment for the lymphoma on his dura.  As things formulate/ change I will make sure to update. 

As far as the CAR-T therapy goes, apparently the hospital and our insurance are in negotiations regarding the letter of agreement that is needed by the hospital in order for Chris to begin the apheresis.  It would seem that our insurance is being more difficult than other insurance companies that the hospital as dealt with.  I will be calling them again tomorrow to try to further things along if at all possible.  Fingers crossed that this gets resolved quickly in the next day or so.

Thanks for your continued love and support.



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