TUESDAY, AUGUST 27th, 2019

Today Chris had a lab draw and we met with Dr. Shah to discuss the next steps moving forward. Chris's labs looked good except for his LDH which is up from 241 to 368.

Chris will be starting CAR-T therapy as soon as our insurance approves it. Once it is approved, Chris will have an appointment at the hospital for apheresis (collecting the T-cells). This will take several hours. The T-cells will then be shipped off to be harvested, which will take approximately 21 days. Once they're back, Chris will undergo 3 days of chemotherapy (Cytoxan and Fludarabine) before getting his T-cells back. He'll then be monitored as an inpatient for 14 days.
Chris will have another PET scan 28 days after receiving his harvested T-cells to re-assess the state of his lymphoma.

In the meantime. Chris will be put on an oral chemo drug to help keep his lymphoma under control. He received a bolus of Rituxan today, and he will continue to receive it once weekly until beginning CAR-T. Once approved by our insurance, he will begin Revlimid (the oral chemo drug), which he'll take once daily for 21 days. This should bridge his treatment until his T-cells are done being harvested and given back to him.

Here is a website I found that I thought helped explain CAR-T in an easily understandable way.

Thank you for your continued love and support.



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