MONDAY JUNE 24th, 2019

Despite having very little complications with his first dose of chemo, Chris was not feeling the best.  During the night he woke up several times, and when he stood up was feeling light headed and "off".  These feelings carried on into the morning and were eventually accompanied by a head and back ache, severe nausea, and chills. 

In addition, his double vision seemed just as bad as the day before.  Overall, just not a great day for Chris. 

Although Chris wasn't feeling the best, he was moving forward towards eventual discharge.  He was completely dc'd from the Dilaudid pump; both continuous infusion and on demand boluses.  He was transitioned onto oral pain meds, in the hope that if his pain is managed, he might be able to come home tomorrow.  He still needs to stop his IV fluids, but our fingers are certainly crossed.

In preparation for Chris hopefully coming home in the next day or so, my mom, Caitlin, Pat, and I had a major deep cleaning day at home to minimize any risk of Chris getting since once he gets home.  Everyone knows an eight month old and an immuno-depressed dad don't jive super well. 

Fingers crossed Chris is feeling better tomorrow and hopefully can come home.



  1. Crossing our fingers for you!! Please let us know if we can help at all <3


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